“…how do we hold people accountable for wrongdoing and yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed?”

— bell hooks

Our community accountability services

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    Contact Jane Bolitho jane@transofmringjustice.org.au

  • Coming soon…..

    Contact Jane Bolitho jane@transofmringjustice.org.au

  • Coming soon…..

    Contact Jane Bolitho jane@transofmringjustice.org.au

  • Coming soon…..

    Contact Jane Bolitho jane@transofmringjustice.org.au

  • “…One virtue of the active responsibility of an offender's loved ones is that it nurtures active responsibility on the part of the offender. Restorative justice is about creating a space where offenders are most likely to take responsibility…”

    John Braithwaite

  • "When we decide to be happy we accept the responsibility to bring happiness to someone else. Some decide that happiness and glee are the same thing, they are not. When we choose happiness we accept the responsibility to lighten the load of someone else and to be a light on the path to another who may be walking in darkness."

    Maya Angelou

  • “Retributive theory believes that pain will vindicate, but in practice that is often counterproductive for both victim and offender. Restorative justice theory, on the other hand, argues that what truly vindicates is acknowledgment of victims’ harms and needs, combined with an active effort to encourage offenders to take responsibility, make right the wrongs, and address the causes of their behavior. By addressing this need for vindication in a positive way, restorative justice has the potential to affirm both victim and offender and to help them transform their lives.”

    ― Howard Zehr