Advisory and specialist services
We welcome organisations, community groups and individuals to contact us understand how restorative frameworks may assist your organisation or community.
We provide the following services:
General Advice - to organizations in support of the prevention and responses to sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviours.
Co-Design - to assist organizations or communities to co-design a restorative response.
Research Services – assist organisation or communities to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework or to provide services via consultancy.
Education and Training – to provide training on restorative practice for government, schools, companies, community organizations through individual training or webinars.
In 2021 Transforming Justice Australia conducted a community engagement and consultation with youth stakeholders, services and specialists in New South Wales. This initiative was funded with the support of Westpac’s Safer Communities, Safer Children funding program. Read more about the grants program here.
This consultation held with the support of NSW Children’s Court informed the development of Transforming Justice Australia’s specialist practice framework developed for the purpose of supporting a specialist pilot project to complement Youth Justice Conferencing in NSW. We hope to implement a pilot in the coming years.
In collaboration with Youth Action, we developed a youth-focussed survey for young people in NSW. The purpose of the survey was to ask how young people (14-25 yo) want to receive information about restorative justice and what they would want from a restorative justice process.
This online survey was designed to ask young people these questions in a safe and respectful way. The survey was advertised through Youth Action’s YAP newsletter, through youth networks and online.
The results of the survey found that most young people would speak with a friend or family member following a sexual assault and that most feel that restorative justice could help to deal with what happened, the impacts and a way forward.
In collaboration with Open Circle, Project Restore, Community Transitions, Australian National University, University of Wellington and individual restorative practitioners, Transforming Justice has developed a specialist practice network. This network provides a safe and confidential space to share good practice learnings, for peer to peer consultation and for building the evidence based to support good practice in these settings.